
  • Muhamad ganda saputra
  • Fara Nurdiana
  • Nuriyati M.Kes
  • Ajeng Putri Mahfiroh


Patient satisfaction is a measure of the value of service that the patient has received, one of which can be influenced by the quality of service both in the form of services in meeting the needs and expectations of patients. If the patient likes a service they get, the patient feels satisfaction, on the contrary, if the service they get is not in accordance with their needs and moves to another place, the customer does not feel satisfied. The method of this research approach is literature review using 4 databases including Scopus, Scince Direct, Sage Journal, and Google Scholar to search for articles with appropriate inclusion and exclusion criteria. Articles published from 2015-2020, full text, there is ISSN, Volume and Journal Number. After collecting data, all data were selected according to inclusion and exclusion criteria, then selected studies using PRISMA 2009 flow diagrams. Based on the 10 selected journals, it was found that there were the relationship between online and offline registration with patient satisfaction. Based on the 10 selected journals, the results show that online and offline registration have a relationship with patient satisfaction. Patients feel satisfied with online services because patients feel easy in terms of access to registration services. Satisfaction with offline registration is due to adequate facilities, so patients will feel comfortable and do not care about the length of waiting time for registration.


Keywords: online registration, outpatient satisfaction


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How to Cite

saputra, M. ganda, Nurdiana, F., M.Kes, N., & Mahfiroh, A. P. (2020). HUBUNGAN PENDAFTARAN ONLINE DAN OFFLINE DENGAN KEPUASAN PASIEN. Journal Of Health Care, 1(1). Retrieved from




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